Sunday, January 13, 2008

A Prayer

GOD before you, I bend on my knees,
Weep with my heavy heart,
A prayer, I pray to you,
Turn in true…please…Oh GOD! I trust in you.

I know you are kind,
You know I am your child,
My wish is true…I pray to you,
I trust in you…I know you heard,
Stay no silent…your child weeps in pain,
Turn it true…please…Oh! GOD! I trust in you…

Nay I ask for earthly wished,
For wealth or fame,
Earthly wishes, I never do,
I wonder what, I will do with it…

I love my love,
He does too,
Make us meet…when…?
I ask to you…
Don’t let me down,
I trust in you…

‘till we meet, I ask you to be,
Be just with him,
At the start of each new day,
To grant him health, and your blessing,
Friends to share…his way through…
I ask for happiness…just for him….
In all things that are, great and small…
But it is for his love, I pray the most to you…

I wonder if god is true,
Faith in him, I never did…do owe,
But by the love you gave,
I wonder if I stood wrong,
Maybe I did…maybe not…maybe…

But you pray, I wish, doesn’t go in vein,
Unthought GOD, I hope it turns true,
Not for me…but to his child that weeps…
To my love…a heavenly child…

Still I wish,
You be with me,
Not just today, but forever too,
Life is short…the world is small…
What goes around…will always come around.