Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Immortal Bliss

“Forgive me beloved,
I am mortal…thee to eternity”

To-be faded roses surrounds the garden,
With its earthly fragrance; adored by men,
And in the middle there stands a rose…
Crimson red with bright green leaves.
And azure eyes of deep mystic love…
A rose of life…immortal bliss?

A gen-n that I saw and loved;
And yet swept by my sin,
And that rose so red,
Whose eternal fragrance I breathe tonight,
Is you with your love.

The weeds of the flowers fade away,
With it withers those fragrance,
Earthly smell, rests for short,
But that deep red,
To eternity will not fade.

Mundane earth, mortal love,
Dying men, short fragrance of earthly sweetness,
Yet your existence isn’t short or mortal,
Neither your love…
Till the sun shines warn and bright,
And so long the night falls whilst men sleep…
Today to eternity…

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