A longing I wait,
After you are gone,
Visualizing your presence,
All over and more.
As I walk that very park,
Remember the park we met?
And once you gently had caressed my cheek,
Oh Beloved, come back for I,
I need to express,
How much, YES! I LOVE YOU!
A fear of closeness I feared too harsh,
Thus a step aback I had moved,
Then you went…back and back,
Till you reached that Lord’s hands!
Now as I read the morning news,
A painful case…a painful case…
Indeed a very PAINFUL CASE…
Your gentle touch I now long,
After you are gone,
Waiting your presence,
Just like the shore that stares to the eternal horizon…but just to see its shore!
(This is a poem I wrote after reading James Joyce’s A Painful Case. The poem is longing of love by James Duffy.)
i really love james joyce, p!
How is it replacing the last two lines with,
There is presence of hope in me,
Midst the absence of your presence
thank you pixie.
ok sir.
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