Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Poetry, a word game

sound sweetness speaks some song,
fragrance fills failing fragments,
necessity needs needless names,
to turn time as time turns the tide.

look! love look! loss left lust,
hamlets held hostage, hope has hurt,
when words wail with wordless way,
ripe right rusts…ruin runs resembling rain.

destruction does destroy, demolish demanding deeds,
patience pretends…prudence preys peril,
you yell your youth,
kindness kindles kaleidoscopic kite,
as awakened
beauty beasts beam bringing


Damsel said...

weeee. I like it, alliteration! :) hehehe

Pratik Rimal said...


Anonymous said...

patience pretends to be patient sometimes!!!! i just like it..

Pratik Rimal said...

hehe...thanks. indeed...patience pretends to be patient...but rather than sometimes, how about everytime? Thanks a lot