Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Winter Love ...many hath lost, few have won!

The nights are long,
Eternal seems the day,
The wait too restless,
Patience is burden;

As I ere for her presence,
Heart in jubilance sings and pounds,
Emotions I feel, words fail to express,
My heart is for thee;
Thou art for me.

Could I then breathe?
The fragrance of a flower?
That blossoms in joy ‘spite the winter so cold?
Could I breathe?
The scent of her body?
And forget my hunger by her words so sweet?
Words and laughter, helplessness and love,
Thou art cherished for long,
Within my memories,
Thine love blossoms on,
And it speaks what thou fail to confess,

Love is a game of heart,
Where many hath lost,
Only few have won!


Damsel said...

i like these lines,

Could I then breathe?
The fragrance of a flower?
That blossoms in joy ‘spite the winter so cold?

haha... Don Romantico! :)

Anonymous said...

Hmm...thank you damsel. and how about

Love is a game of heart,
Where many hath lost,
Only few have won!?

Think about it...the one who longs for love never gets it...see an example for yourself damsel... :-)