Saturday, March 21, 2009


I pile my anger, and pose over him,
Of my sufferings, agony, I charge,
Attack…beat…beat him till he bleeds,
I care not his suffering or his pain.

Battle…fight…I hit you, you hit me back.
In rage we clash,
Either or the both injured,
I’ll kill you, we both swear,
and with stains of blood, we head back home.

Yet sometimes back,
These enemies were two best friends,
Some misunderstandings all failed to be vain,
As I see, I call my friend, too close to me,
Pray we not suffer the same harsh deeds,
To truth we stick, understandings we seek,
In misunderstandings we’ll apologize,
To stop enmity.


Anonymous said...

yeah to stop enmity P, that's it... but how?

Pratik Rimal said...

that's for you to decide...