Sunday, January 4, 2009

Distant Distance?

So far yet so near you seem to me,
I feel you, in each passing hour,minute and second are we not away?
And still with it, we get so very close.

With you by my side,
I reckon not the distance,
Thus I ponder and gaze; ask to you…
Define the distance and I will fill the journey…

A blessing you are to me,
So late, yet still you are,
so far, yet so near you are to me,
I feel you, every passing hour,
Hour to minute; minute to second, we are not away,
You are so very close.


Damsel said...

i feel you every passing hour. I drink your words, I kiss your poetry.... :)

Anonymous said...

What is distance damsel? Tell you have a definition to it?

Damsel said...

it is the space between your ring finger and your middle finger... :)

Anonymous said...

Then it's close...there is no distance, isn't it? :-)

Damsel said...

two distances? :)

Anonymous said...

Two distance...which one do you choose then? :-) The one when you close your fingers or the space when you open it?

Van Almeria said...

il choose them both... one could not live without the other :)

Anonymous said...

Ok...then despite the distant distance, one is still close...for most of the time, one closes their fingers, not spreads it open...

Anonymous said... minutes hours and seconds are more blessed than u are.