Monday, February 9, 2009

Joan of Arc

In the pyres I hear her agony,
As tied in chains, she is burnt alive,
“Help! Help! It’s hot” she screams,
Jumping on fire, yet never succeeding…

Oh and look how they stare,
Some cursing, some weeping over the deed,
In anguish of cruelty,
That disguises for humanity;

And yet they turn their ears deaf,
Eyes blind, oh! what misery!
Where is humanity?
Oh! someone go! Rush!
Blow away the flame!
Oh! Please! It’s cruel!
Ruthless! Merciless!
A man giving justice to another man!
Oh! who is he?
How justified is his deed?
Save her!
That is justice…
Go! Rush!
Blow away the flame…
It’s hurting her…

And yet no one moved to save,
Save all stared and gazed,
Nothing did remain,
Everything died away,
And with it, so did her screams,
That said “Help! Help! It’s hot!”

But why didn’t you GO? Rushed?
Blew out the flame?


Van Almeria said...

Why didn't you go, rushed? why P?
you could have saved her...

Pratik Rimal said...

I couldn't...I was too born too late...she was born long time ago... :-(

But, those quick lines are said by a lady in my poem... :-)

Damsel said...

hehehe... :P