Monday, February 16, 2009

Sweet Misery …in dreams cherished, in reality, away!

I turned around, I saw you smile,
In chaos, I surrendered to you,
With eyes that sprung in joy,
And while your smile sedated me with tranquillity in sorrow,
Yet in boredom, you give me no delight,
For who are you?
I know not your soul,
Nor do you know, who I am;

Thence in misery we surely do live,
‘spite the longing, never shall we meet,
Save another coincidence, I wait your way…

Till then an illusion, I bid you a farewell,
Till then your existence; I must deny,
Save a vision that ere your way,
And thus in my dreams, you will be cherished,
Yet in reality, alas! Miles away!


Damsel said...

Till then an illusion, I bid you a farewell,
Till then your existence; I must deny,
Save a vision that ere your way,
And thus in my dreams, you will be cherished,
Yet in reality, alas! Miles away!

(hurts P... huh)

Pratik Rimal said...

The truth is bitter...the sea and the horizon, no matter how near they seem to the vision is always far...

Anonymous said...

point taken :)

Anonymous said...

a breathing being haunts you day and night //////////////////. i can figure that out.